For this purpose I also decided to give Eclipse a try once again because I planned on pushing this to GitHub and using Google App Engine to run it as well and I wanted an easy interface for the whole process (I love Emacs, but AppEngine + GitHub + Windows != Easy with Emacs, feel free to correct me in the comments).
Requirements needed to start:
- Latest Version of Eclipse
- Python 2.7 (required for AppEngine)
- Google Calendar API V3
- GData V2
- PyDev for Eclipse (see below)
- App Engine for Eclipse (see below)
First I need to get Python installed. After downloading Python, you run the installer. It is pretty straight forward for Window (you know the drill hit "next" a few times). Now that Python is installed, I do something that everyone should do after installing Python in a windows environment. Create a new environment variable (if it doesn't already exist) called PATH (right-click my computer -> advanced -> environment variables) and set the value to the location of your Python installation (in my case C:\Python27):
If you want to be able to use Python and it's tools from anywherre in the command prompt, I suggest that your PATH variable have the following values:
That should now complete the base Python install.But I am not yet done with Python. I will (at a later time) need to install many other Python packages and libraries (especially as I get into this project and others). So, I start by installing Distribute and PIP (choose either x86 or x64 and version for python2.7). These will allow me to install almost any other library there is. Then I installed the Google API client library as a test by going to the command prompt and typing:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
That should install the google api package and prove that Python and PIP are working.
Next I installed Eclipse and PyDev. After downloading Eclipse, I began the install process for PyDev by clicking on Help -> Install New Software:
Then I entered the address (link above) for the PyDev software and selected it. Then clicked on Next.
Then I did the same process for AppEngine (link above). and now Eclipse should be set-up and ready to go!
In my next post I will go over getting GitHub set up with Eclipse and creating and updating the repo.