When I was a kid, I used to love to watch The Jetsons. That was a great cartoon! I marveled at all the possibilities the future would hold. Robot maids, video phones, and of course, flying cars!
Over the years, promises of household robots have come and gone (with the exception of the Roomba). Flying cars, while a great concept, are a practical nightmare. Even if we are able to design and build an affordable flying car that is both easy to operate and stable, we would still have to deal with the fact that PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE IN TWO DIMENSIONS, WHY THE HELL SHOULD WE GIVE THEM A THIRD!!!
Well 30 years later, at least we have video phones and a list of the Top 10 technologies I was sure we'd have by now:
10) Spell Checkers that actually work:
Computers have been around long enough (dictionaries have been around even longer) for us to have figured out a way to ensure that we never misspell a word again! Why is it that contextual spell check still doesn't work?
9)The Paperless Office:
I can not remember how long I have heard that we are going to have a paperless office! It seems like every few years a new technology comes along that is going usher in the era of the paperless office, and yet it never comes. Today, with all the green technology and the emphasis on being earth friendly, people still print out every e-mail they receive and I have no idea why.
Also, why is it that when I purchase something on a credit card, the store has to print a receipt for me to sign and one for me to take with me? Why can't I sign electronically everywhere (some stores have this ability and some don't). Going even further, why can't I have an e-mail address tied to my credit card account that automatically e-mails me a receipt of my purchase?
P.S. All books should be electronic as well! All you sentimental people who say "but I love the smell of books", give me a break! Do you even think about the number of trees that have to be cut down to create paper for books? What about all the copies that never get sold, what a waste of our natural resources!!!! E-books save money and resources, which is why we created the technology in the first place, deal with it!
8)Holograms and Lightsabers, the Star Wars Effect:

7)True On-Demand:
Does anybody besides me remember this Qwest commercial in the late 90's (I think that it was 1999, but I'm not sure) that promised that you would be able to watch any movie any time in any language? I do. I remember when we were promised true on demand TV and movies. Sure, your local cable company has on demand, but it's still only what they want you to see. We have sites like Hulu, that allow us to watch a selection of TV and Movies from several providers, but it still isn't even close to everything! I want to be able to watch every episode of the show Herman's Head(I don't judge you, so you shouldn't judge me, okay), whenever I feel like it, dammit!
6)Speech to Text and Vice Versa:

5)Language translation:

Right now, we can barely translate Web pages well enough to read, let alone translating whole audio files. There are a lot of great podcasts and such that are generated in English that would be so useful to people in other countries. Most of them have to rely on someone who is bi-lingual to manually translate the audio files into transcripts. We should be able to generate transcripts of our podcasts into any known language!
4)Super High Speed, In Your Face, Whole World is Connected, Internet:
Sooner or later, someone is going to need to explain this one. There is no reason why, when we have enough satellites to look into my bathroom from outer space, that we can't give everyone high speed Internet access. There are still places in this country (let alone the entire world) where the only option is dial-up. Really? We can spend money bailing out companies with bad business models, but we can't get affordable broadband in Asheville N.C (just picked them at random, there are plenty of cities in worse situations than Asheville I'm sure).
Is the One Laptop Per Child program still going? I'm pretty sure this is just a pipe dream, but why can't we give people in third world countries an opportunity to learn and communicate via the Web? In combination with number 5, this would be outstanding. Imagine what we could accomplish with a truly global community and no communications barrier!
3)Editable UI:

2)Genetic Modification/Nanobots:
The super soldier, bulletproof skin, and x-ray vision, all of this was supposed to be possible by now. Through genetic modification and/or the use of nanotechnology. We were starting to make some real breakthroughs in stem cell research. Unfortunately, the world at large is still silly and hanging onto some weird superstitious beliefs that a man in the clouds will come down and smite us if we mess around with genetic modifications. Sure we'll screw up a few times, maybe make a velociraptor-man that goes on a killing spree, but it would totally be worth it if I could get my cat-tail (or at least not be colorblind anymore).
1)Sim-Stim/Virtual Reality/Smell-A-Vision:

I wonder if in 20-30 years someone else will write about how pissed they are that we can't "jack in" to our computers like they did in the Matrix?